Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some days of dryish weather to paint this sculpture called Quartz Destination. There is much more to do yet but the green glow is more than I was asking of that paint!

Monday, August 17, 2009

A little conversation on the left
about the second flush of Shiitake. Those two on the left were beautiful and delicious.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Things are made in pieces

In 1992 I found these words below and can't remember where there from but have refered to them often.
The Temple belonging to the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) Buddhist sect,had been destroyed by American bombers during World War II, and Kiyotani's father, also a monk, had reconstructed the building. Kiyotani was to restore the artistic features. "He was very relaxed about the prospect," says Bartlett.(Jennifer Bartlett is an artist)
Bartlett went to meet the monk and see the temple. Then she traveled all over Japan looking at ceilings. "what if you don't like it ?" she asked Kiyotani. "Everything new looks strange for the first 200 years," he responded,"and then it looks fine."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quartz Night has solar lights in the roof that illuminate it in a mysterious way but so far it is challenging to photograph. So here it is under flash.
So much that appeares solid and permanent also looks as though it
is in motion and only passing through. Maybe it's me.