Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Home

There on the left is the drive way and the door mat and the door is right around the corner of the house. This is the second placement and the sculpture is called Quartz Night. It is equiped with solar lights that illuminates the key hole when we return at night. There is an out door light around the corner but it's not working. The Solution search leads me to new places. Not allways optimal but entertaining.

Our Home

The first sculpture placement was selected by my partner Rita as the amount of space we now can work with over whelmed me. This one is called Paramount. It is about 15 years old and at the time I was fasinated with how every thing is made of pieces. It's one thing to know it's true but to be fastenated by that realization is something else. I'm still as fasinated. Are you?

Heres a long view of some of the atmosphere to work with. In the back ground is my studio and between is a pile of dismanteled sculpture.stones and quartz rock all of which will eventually be brought into various forms. Yes alot of pieces scattered about!

The forrest of spruce and the table legs have a good conversation between them.